Friday, April 5, 2024

Recipe for a powerful aura cleansing ritual


An aura cleansing ritual is a powerful practice for clearing and revitalizing the energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. The aura, often described as a luminous field of energy that radiates outward from the body, is believed to contain information about a person's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Just as physical hygiene is important for maintaining health and vitality, energetic hygiene is essential for promoting balance, clarity, and well-being on all levels of being.

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I recommend watching the video of casting a  spell 

Here is a recipe for a powerful aura cleansing ritual that incorporates various techniques and tools to clear, balance, and revitalize the aura:


  1. White Sage or Palo Santo: White sage and palo santo are both sacred herbs with purifying and cleansing properties. White sage is traditionally used in Native American smudging ceremonies, while palo santo is revered in South American shamanic traditions. Choose the herb that resonates with you or use a combination of both for added potency.

  2. Sound Healing Tool: Choose a sound healing tool such as a singing bowl, tuning fork, or chime to create specific frequencies and vibrations that help to clear and balance the energy field. The sound produced by these tools can break up stagnant or stuck energy and promote a sense of relaxation and harmony.

  3. Essential Oil Blend: Create a blend of essential oils with purifying and uplifting properties to use during the ritual. Some recommended oils include lavender for relaxation, peppermint for clarity, and lemon for purification. Dilute the essential oils in a carrier oil such as jojoba or almond oil for safe application to the skin.

  4. Crystal Grid: Choose a selection of crystals with cleansing and energizing properties to create a crystal grid around the body. Some recommended crystals for aura cleansing include clear quartz, amethyst, and black tourmaline. Arrange the crystals in a geometric pattern around the body to amplify their energetic effects.


  1. Prepare Your Sacred Space: Find a quiet and private space where you can perform your aura cleansing ritual without interruption. Clear away any clutter or distractions and create a peaceful and harmonious environment by lighting candles, burning incense, or playing soft music.

  2. Set Your Intentions: Take a few moments to clarify your intentions for the aura cleansing ritual. What energetic imbalances are you hoping to release? Visualize yourself surrounded by a radiant aura of light and imagine any dense or stagnant energy being dissolved and transmuted into pure, revitalizing energy.

  3. Smudging Ceremony: Begin the ritual by lighting the white sage or palo santo and using the smoke to cleanse your energy field. Start at the top of your head and slowly move the smudging bundle or stick down the front of your body, then up the back of your body, and finally down the sides of your body. As you do this, visualize any negativity or heaviness being lifted away and carried off by the smoke.

  4. Sound Healing Session: Use your chosen sound healing tool to create soothing vibrations that resonate with the energy field. Hold the tool close to your body and move it in a clockwise motion around your head, neck, shoulders, torso, arms, and legs. Allow the sound to penetrate deeply into your energy field, breaking up any energetic blockages and promoting a sense of relaxation and balance.

  5. Essential Oil Anointing: Prepare your essential oil blend by diluting the oils in a carrier oil and placing a few drops on your fingertips. Gently massage the oil into your pulse points, such as the wrists, temples, and neck, as well as the soles of your feet. As you apply the oil, breathe deeply and inhale the aroma, allowing it to uplift and invigorate your senses.

  6. Crystal Grid Activation: Arrange your chosen crystals in a geometric pattern around your body, placing them on the floor or on a nearby table. Close your eyes and visualize a radiant sphere of light forming around you, encompassing all of the crystals within its protective embrace. Imagine the crystals emitting powerful healing energy, cleansing and revitalizing your aura from within.

  7. Energy Clearing Meditation: Take a few moments to sit quietly and meditate on the sensations in your energy field. Notice any areas of tension, heaviness, or discomfort and imagine them being dissolved and transmuted into pure, revitalizing energy. Visualize your aura expanding and glowing with vibrant colors, reflecting your inner vitality and well-being.

  8. Express Gratitude: Conclude your aura cleansing ritual by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to release old patterns and embrace new levels of vitality and clarity. Thank the universe, your guides, and any other spiritual allies who have supported you in this process. Trust that the energetic shifts initiated by your ritual will continue to unfold and manifest positive changes in your life.

In conclusion, this recipe for a powerful aura cleansing ritual incorporates smudging, sound healing, essential oil anointing, crystal grid activation, and energy clearing meditation to clear, balance, and revitalize the energy field. By combining these techniques and tools, you can create a sacred space for releasing energetic imbalances and promoting a sense of harmony and well-being on all levels of being. However, it's important to approach aura cleansing with respect, intention, and mindfulness, always honoring your own unique energy and the guidance of your intuition.

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