Thursday, November 24, 2022

Healing power of the moon

 The healing power of the moon

 Does the Moon really have healing powers? Admittedly, no healings with the influence of the Moon have been found, but we know that it perfectly supports the healing processes of all ailments

To the various signs of the Zodiac, astrology assigns certain parts of the body. And so:
Aries: the head
Taurus: upper respiratory tract, teeth, lymph nodes
Twins: arms, hands
Cancer: lungs, breasts, liver, bile
Leo: heart, arteries, back, spine
Virgo: digestive organs, pancreas, spleen, nerve endings
Libra: kidneys, bladder, hips
Scorpio: genital organs, urinary tract
Sagittarius: veins, thighs
Capricorn: joints, bones, skin, bronchi
Aquarius: nervous system, shins
Pisces: blood, feet; heels, tendons

The Moon stays in each successive Zodiac Sign for the right 2.5 days, and medicines have the strongest effect on those parts of the body that fall under the sign in which it currently resides. During this time, do not perform surgical operations on these organs - there are possibilities of complications or even unsuccessful surgery! For example: preparations to improve digestion work most effectively when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer or Virgo, but the stomach and intestines should not be operated on. The work of the digestive organs is hampered, and it is advisable to avoid hard-to-digest foods and fats at the same time. This also applies to completely healthy people!
It is also worth noting the phase changes. When the Moon rises, there is more water in the body and all surgical wounds (and all other wounds) bleed more heavily, making the doctor's work more difficult, and they heal much more difficult. Conversely, when it decreases, water decreases, bleeding is milder, healing is faster, and scars are smaller!
The new moon and full moon should be avoided quite definitely - these are the least favorable days for any treatment.
If we want to slim down, I recommend the time when the Moon is decreasing. The body will tolerate such a procedure better, and the effects will be more pronounced.
The rising Moon causes easier absorption of vitamins and medicines, but also calories.

The exact timing of the Moon in the Zodiac Signs is easily found in the available, Calendars and Astrological Guides. Phases - are marked in most popular calendars.
It is worth knowing that those diseases, the susceptibility to which everyone has recorded in his Radix cosmogram, usually cannot be cured by conventional methods. Only natural methods are effective; homeopathy, bioenergy therapy and related. Medicine can only "heal" the effects - because the causes lie in the Stars and Planets.

Magic of the Mirror

 Magic of the Mirror

Everyone knows that breaking a mirror causes seven years of misfortune for the poor man who clumsily damaged it. The superstition is so strong that even skeptics feel uncertain and uncomfortable when this misfortune befalls them. Nor does anyone keep pieces of a broken mirror, or even one that is scratched or cracked. It's just better not to take the risk.
Any crack on a mirror, as well as on glass or windowpanes, violates the harmony in which we live, so subconsciously we know that we must remove such items. Anything that is damaged or cracked must be thrown away, because damage to things will affect the spoiling of the atmosphere in our home and life. The mirror is a special case, because it has always played an important role, so also any damage to it is perceived strongly. After all, a mirror is a portal through which you can find yourself in another world.

Before there were mirrors, people could see their reflection in two cases. The first is any body of water. The calm water was perfect to look through and enjoy the view of themselves. The second case is the pupils of another person. This is no longer so easy, because to achieve this goal, you need to get very close. This is one of the reasons why looking into the eyes is so embarrassing and intimate - not only do we look into the mirror of the other person's soul, but we also see ourselves there. Such an experience must evoke emotions and stay in the memory. Emotions can be extreme - love and hate, and it is only in these situations that people choose to look deeply into the other person's eyes when they want to confess their love or offend and anger them. Such a message will also be followed by a response, much more sincere than one expressed verbally - for it will come straight from the heart.

Over time, man has discovered that it is not only nature that offers the possibility of browsing. Shiny objects are also suitable for this, and with the advent of weapons, there were more and more of them. Later, mirrors proper - made of glass covered with a layer of silver - were already being created. First small, and then larger and larger, until they could encompass and decorate the entire walls of palaces. At that time still the mirror was an incredible luxury, but when the cost of its production began to fall, poorer people could also use them.
What is most intriguing, however, is not how the mirror was created and popularized, but the reason why it is so famous as a magical artifact. Namely, it is related to the fact that the reflection in the mirror for centuries was seen not only as a reflection of a person's appearance, but also of his character traits, personality. The mirror gave not a dead image, but a double, what's more, an inverted double. The world in the mirror was an upside-down world, in which nothing happens our way, and the cracking of the mirror made it even more frightening. This is why people were always afraid when they saw a broken mirror somewhere.
A mirror can also trap a person's soul, when it is in the body of a living person it is safe, but after someone's death, once it leaves the body it can be locked in a mirror. This is why all mirrors are covered in the home of the deceased. It also provides a portal between the living and the dead. We usually can't see someone's spirit, but in the mirror our gazes can meet. If the ghost's gaze in the mirror sees the reflection of someone from the living, he may want to bring that person to himself as soon as possible.

And at night, especially in the hour of ghosts, one should not look into the mirror at all. According to various superstitions, then you can see your death or even the devil himself instead of your own reflection. Another less dangerous demon that lurked in the mirror was known from legends - Dydko. He appeared when a woman, in love with her appearance, admired her beauty in the mirror far too often. He then played various pranks on her, distorting the mirror. When that didn't help, he transferred the reflection from the mangled mirror to the girl's face, who from then on could no longer enjoy unblemished beauty. The mythological Narcissus was punished for a similar reason - excessive self-love.  In love with his reflection so much that he could not stop admiring it, he died of starvation on the banks of the water in which he was looking at himself. Fairy tales, as well as legends, are rich in just such stories, with the mirror in the starring role.
However, a mirror does not always mean misfortune or something bad. It can be used and in white magic. If someone tries to cast a charm or curse on us, the mirror is the best defense - it will not only save us, but also reflect the sinister energy towards the opponent. This is how mythical monsters were defeated and killed by sight - Medusa, known from mythology, and the monster from Polish legends, the Basilisk. In both cases, the mirror saved from having to look into the eyes of the beast, it was safe to see it in the reflection, and, more importantly, the creature browsing itself succumbed to the effect of its own eyesight. Every child also knows the fairy tale of Snow White, where the mirror had the gift of announcing who was the most beautiful creature walking the earth. And in Andersen's "The Snow Queen" we see the power of the mirror presented, which we have already mentioned. The crumbs of a broken mirror fell on some people, causing them to behave differently than before. When the crumb found its way into the eye, their view of the world became completely different, and when it fell into the heart, they lost their ability to love and empathize.

Those who parish the magical arts are eager to use mirrors, precisely because of their strong connection to magic. The ability to reflect links the mirror to the moon reflecting the sun's rays. A mirror can show us a great deal, including the future - they were reportedly used by Nostradamus himself. They are also often used in love divinations, because with the right ritual the face of the beloved is supposed to appear in it. Magical arts that use mirrors are called catopromancy or crystallomancy. Seeing something in the reflection, however, requires great concentration and experience, so beginning amateur magicians will not quickly master this art. The first step, before even knowing the future, is to use a mirror to get to know ourselves. By looking at our own reflection, we can look ourselves in the eye. Consider our strengths and flaws, and thus work out a path of development.

Effective recipe for obsession spell

  Obsession love magic is a controversial topic within the realm of magic and spirituality, as it involves attempting to influence the feeli...